Let’s start with me. I run a research lab focused on defining the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer and immune cells. I bring a varied background to this work. I get alumni magazines from three different schools at Northwestern: engineering, medicine and business. I have an undergraduate degree in computer engineering, MS in biomedical engineering, MBA and an MD. I did clinical and post-doctoral training at the National Institutes of Health. My specialty both in the clinic and the lab is hematology and oncology.
Our lab started in 2007 at Duke and brings diverse approaches to measure, model and perturb cancers. A key component of our work is the combination of computational and “traditional” cell and molecular biology approaches. Our lab is in effect two different groups—a computational biology group and an experimental biology group. Both groups are critical and interact extensively. The computational biology work informs the experimental biologists and vice versa. Doing this work well requires a high degree of individual specialization and team work. All our work is motivated by the knowledge that we can do this work a lot better together than any one of us can alone.
This blog will describe different aspects of our journey together.
Needless to say, these opinions do not reflect that of Duke University or any other of our numerous personal and professional affiliates.